
Dr Asa Hershoff DC, ND

Milestones on the Journey…

I have had a lifelong passion to “crack the code” on human nature, seeking to understand what makes people tic, what goes wrong and how to make it right. This has led me on a quest of forty years serving others as a holistic doctor, and three decades of traveling the world, gleaning secrets of the world’s great spiritual traditions with various teachers and masters. A knowledge the Tibetan language helped me to delve deeply into ancient texts, and completing a 3-year, 3-month meditation retreat allowed me to pluck the essence from that tradition.

Through these trainings, life experiences and the laboratory of work with patients over the decades, the pieces fell into place in 2000, and the true template of our human mind and heart became clear. Refining and verifying these exciting ideas over the last fifteen years, it became clear that the Human Code and the Five Ways of Power could offer a real solution to the widespread confusion and suffering that now consumes so many people’s lives.

Today I am dedicated to bringing these ancient truths to a modern audience, with a fresh and dynamic Western perspective. These are practical tools, a real hope in a sea of false promises, and a true path to human freedom and inner power.

Dr Asa
Asa Hershoff has practiced mindbody medicine and Vajrayana concurrently for 40 years. Completing the traditional Tibetan 3-year meditation retreat under the auspices of Kalu Rinpoche, he was later ordained as a lay Lama. A pioneer in the Canadian holistic health movement, he is founder of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and currently author of 3 books on holistic health. Asa has developed Elemental Psychology as an integration of Vajrayāna, humanistic psychology, bioenergy medicine, and a panglobal perspective on the 5 elements. This transformative methodology of self-healing, therapy and spiritual growth is represented in his many current book projects, You: True & False and The 5 Ways of Wisdom. www.the5wisdoms.com www.5eeh.com.
Dr Asa

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