
CODE 4: True Character

Emotional ImmaturityIs your friend, spouse, boss or business colleague, really a baby on some levels? And what to do about it, if that child is a destructive, difficult one?
No matter how complex the life form, or the situation, there is a healthy and unhealthy state of affairs, and there is a healthy and unhealthy developmental process. Nobody would say that a stunted, withered plant is “normal.” even if all the plants nearby it were similarly affected. Our understanding of people is based on “usual” or “average,” not on normal. And it turns out that, especially in our era, usually 80% of people are abnormal and another 10% confused! So any scientific studies of how people think and act, how they form relationships, how they do business, or anything else, is just a study in abnormal psychology, in pathology! We have to START with an understanding of normal, in order to judge how things go off the track, and where the track is that we have to get people back to! If we hold to an ideal of character, integrity, honesty, personal power, clarity, wisdom, compassion—this is very far from the average human we meet on the street. And yet, this is the normal state of a human being. This IS human nature.
Dr Asa
Asa Hershoff has practiced mindbody medicine and Vajrayana concurrently for 40 years. Completing the traditional Tibetan 3-year meditation retreat under the auspices of Kalu Rinpoche, he was later ordained as a lay Lama. A pioneer in the Canadian holistic health movement, he is founder of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and currently author of 3 books on holistic health. Asa has developed Elemental Psychology as an integration of Vajrayāna, humanistic psychology, bioenergy medicine, and a panglobal perspective on the 5 elements. This transformative methodology of self-healing, therapy and spiritual growth is represented in his many current book projects, You: True & False and The 5 Ways of Wisdom.
Dr Asa

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